Yesterday, 26/07/23, I published the draft of this page. Later in the evening I received the terrible news that Sinead had left us and moved on.
Sinead, may your poor tortured soul finally find peace! Your spirit will always be with us in the form of your wonderful music. Truly, you were a seed! I wish I could have met you! Rest in peace, we will never forget you!
Artwork: Essie van de Velde
Sinead O’ Connor – The wonderful, brave and strong Irish singer / songwriter had a Hellish childhood, marred by physical and psychological abuse. Music was her therapy to deal with the terrible experiences. She fought all her life against child abuse (amongst other honorable things). This post is dedicated to her and a modest attempt to honor her and her struggle against child abuse. She suffered her whole life from CPTSD as a result of strong ACE. Her life story and music has induced my tears many times as well as her most emotional and anxious songs about childhood (for example ”Troy” which is her strongest and angriest song ever about her childhood (In my opinion)). In her own words about ”Troy”; It’s not a song, it’s a fuckin’ testament!
”Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.” – Neil Postman
She was used by the good Dr Phil who always thinks more of the viewing figures than on the wellbeeing of the guests. Below is her memories of that not so lucky period. Read by herself from her wonderful book ”Rememberings”.
”Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” – Rita Pierson
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